Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Top 10 Movies of 2019 (in my opinion)

The end of a decade always feels like a changing of the guard, and 2019 is no exception. The 2010’s was a decade of constant turmoil and uncertainty, and that was reflected in how much film has changed in those years. (I’m currently working on a top 100 movies of the decade list, which you can expect to see sometime around February.) Funnily enough, the year for movies was lopsided, with most of the best films not coming out until after September, with the first half being such a drought of noteworthy content that for the first time, I forewent making a mid-year list. I had to make a lot of painful cuts, and that’s not even accounting for the stuff I missed like Ford v Ferrari, Doctor Sleep, The Last Black Man in San Francisco, The Peanut Butter Falcon, Dolemite is My Name, Waves, A Hidden Life, Richard Jewell, 1917, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, just to name a few. But once Oscar season rolled in, I was graced with not just some of the best movies of the year, but a few of my favorites this decade. Needless to say, this list is built largely on movies that dropped within the last three months. With all that said, these are the top 10 movies of 2019 (in my opinion).