Friday, February 14, 2020

The Top 100 Movies of the 2010's (in my opinion)

The 2010’s was a decade of constant change. Politics changed. Mass communication changed. Barriers were broken down. Technology and new mediums that were once the stuff of science fiction became mainstream. Filmmaking as an art form has always been in a state of flux, but in the past ten years it has evolved and mutated faster and more aggressively than ever before. Despite outcries of creative drought, there was no shortage of original, interesting, evocative and mind-blowing films out there, with a plethora of fascinating experimentation happening both in the mainstream and the underground. And as the decade comes to a close, I’d like to take a look back at some of the best films the 2010’s had to offer. This list is a mixture of examples that reflect what I see as emblematic of the best the medium had to offer and laid the groundwork for where cinema is going, as well as personal favorites that meant a lot to me personally. What movie belongs in which category I’m leaving to interpretation. And since this list is 100 films long, I will be listing them alphabetically to avoid favoritism. They are as follows: