Monday, July 27, 2020

Mini Reviews 2020: Birds of Prey, Honey Boy, Da 5 Bloods and More

COVID has thrown everyone’s life into disarray. In my case, with movie theaters shutting down, along with several other life issues unrelated to the pandemic, my productivity on this blog was slown to a crawl and eventually came to a screeching halt. To get back into the swing of things, I thought I’d get back to an old tradition of mine and knock out a few short reviews of movies I’ve seen during lockdown and release them in a compilation. Most of these went straight to streaming, but I’ll also be including a few stragglers from last year that I didn’t get a chance to see until recently. Here’s what I’ve been watching:

Friday, April 3, 2020

Streaming Recommendations for Social Distancing (April 2020)

Since the COVID-19 pandemic has found many of us stuck at home for the unforeseeable future, many have taken the time to catch up on the various shows and movies they may not have had the chance to see. Since this blog was partially started as a way to let people know what new stuff is worth seeing, and since all the major streaming services dumped a slew of new releases at the beginning of the month, I thought I’d do my part in letting people know what’s worth watching during this extended staycation. I will be covering new releases on the three major streaming services (Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime) that have or will be coming out this month, and this only applies to new releases in the U.S., so results may vary in other countries. And if reception is good and we end up doing this for longer, I might do another one next month.

Monday, March 16, 2020

An Update From Man In The Movie Theater

So, things have been pretty crazy lately, huh?

As some of you may have noticed, my productivity on this blog has slowed to a crawl. This is for a myriad of personal reasons, but recently that crawl has slowed into a near halt. As I'm sure you're all aware, the United States (and most of the world for that matter) has been put under quarantine to slow down the spread of COVID-19, AKA the Coronavirus. This has affected many people's lives, and since part of that quarantine is discouraging large public gatherings, several businesses have been negatively impacted, including my own. Several movies that were slated for a March or April release date, up to and including A Quiet Place Part II, Mulan and The New Mutants have been postponed indefinitely, and press screenings have likewise been cancelled. Because of this, and financial strains due to my day job also being impacted by the quarantine, I will not be able to go see any new movies for the time being.

But in the meantime, in order to keep this blog going and maintain my own sanity, I will try my best to expand upon my comfort zone and try new things. There have been some ideas that I've been spinning around in my head for a while but never got around to, and I think this would be a good time to get started on that. A year ago I made the promise of a new blog series called "I Fucking Love This Movie", something that never came to light. I'd also love to expand upon my love of so-bad-it's-good movies in some capacity, as a certain entry in my best of the decade list understandably left some people confused. (If you read it, you know exactly what I'm talking about.) Hopefully I can use this time to get these projects off the ground.

Thank you all for being so understanding. In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy, wash your hands, take care of yourself, and more importantly, take care of each other.

Sincerely, Graham Kristensen, AKA Man In The Movie Theater.